For your information, the ranking has been this way:
1. Miss CoCo :)
2. My Mother
3. My Dad
4. His Mother
5. Cobby
I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but 2 incidents confirmed the promotion.
On the night I went to the Korean Pop Concert, my Mom came over as usual to help me watch over Jolie. Usually my Mom would be able to handle and get her to sleep, but that night was pure terror. She didn't sleep much during her afternoon nap, so she was super cranky that night, screaming and crying all the way from 8pm plus till 11pm. Interesting fact was that she REFUSED to be carried by my Mom, insisting that her Dad carry her whole night instead. Poor Cobby was exhausted by the time I came home and put her to bed.
The incident happened again yesterday night, when I went for my Japanese lesson. Usually she would be playing at my Mother-in-law's place, having a good time. But again, she didn't sleep much during the day, so at night she was inconsolable, crying and screaming, refusing anyone to touch her except for her Dad. So once again, I came back to her place with the sight of an exhausted Cobby carrying a sleeping baby.
Like they say, "With greater strength comes greater responsibility..." Now that Jolie has promoted him to be the number 2 when I'm not around, he would have to endure all her crying, screaming and tantrums. I asked him if it's worth it, if he has regretted getting this "promotion". He happily said that even thought it's tiring and his arm ache after I take over, he's very happy that Jolie has promoted him, and he happily accept everything that comes with the promotion.
Congratulations Cobby!
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