Thursday, November 30, 2006

It's Never Too Late...

That's my take in learning and improving yourself. As long as there's a breadth of air in your lungs, you are ready to learn something new.

I really like some of my friend's blog, and I learnt that most of the things they know about web design is self taught. I was so impressed and envious! I thought, if they can do that, so can I! So I seek advise from one of them (I've just added her into my surfing menu, check her out!)

She gave me two websites that gives online tutorials but so far, I'm only at page two. Haha... The thing is, I usually just veg out when I get home and I spend all my weekends at a no-Internet environment. But that doesn't mean I can't share the knowledge around yah? For all you thirsty learners out there, check out these two websites. It's all I have! Good Luck!

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