Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Daily Ramblings

Sigh... finally its the end of another day. Ive been assigned to purchase new neckloops for my company, and now I'm starting to regret the choice of vendor because I don't think he can meet my dateline. I'm starting to feel the breadth of my boss down my neck.

Talking about neck, the stupid strain on my neck is back recently. I sprained it when I was a teenager. I flung my head back while drying my hair and SNAP! My head was tilted to the right, unable to move from the pain. Ever since then, the pain resurfaces whenever I'm feeling stressed.

I'm feeling the chills from AJ recently. (She's my team mate) I dunno if it's because I've offended her unknowingly or I'm just being sensitive. She is quite well known to be pretty sensitive and petty, definitely a cannot-take-the-joke kind of person. Anyway, as long as we are still ok working as a team, we'll live.

Well, I think I have enough of the PC for one day. I'm logging off now. Bye.

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