Monday, June 9, 2008

Can You Keep A Secret?

I admit, I'm a loud-mouth.

It absolutely kills me if I know something and I cannot tell other people. So in order to prevent myself from going crazy from bottling up all the secrets inside me, I would usually disseminate a little information to people who have totally no relation to the topic.

But sometimes, just sometimes, like now, I would hold some very important information that I CANNOT TELL ANYBODY! Not even my unknowing secret keeper, Cobby.


Every now and then I would be tempted to just drop hints or just blurt it out. But then I would bite my tongue and remind myself that I cannot do it!

I swear if there’s a hidden camera monitoring me when no one is watching, it would probably see plenty of interesting footage of my face being screwed up in agony – controlling myself not to spill the beans!

I need to find a solution… maybe I should do what those silly chick flick movies do – whisper the secret into a bottle, seal it up and throw it away.

Oh and since we are all about going green nowadays, I guess I should recycle it instead.

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