Saturday, October 24, 2009

A walk down memory lane

After Jolie's baby class, we went to Hougang Central for lunch and also stopped by the nursery to pick up some gravel and other stuff for our garden. When we left, Cobby asked me where do we go next. Since we're nearby, I suggested that we go visit my old home at Jalan Arif.

It's not the 1st time I've went back, that last time was a few years ago. But each time I went back to my old neighbourhood, it just feels so nostalgic. Of course, the place has changed, more new houses, many old ones has been renovated, new occupants. But some still looked exactly the same, so being there really brings back childhood memories. Memories of days filled with fun and laughter.

This time it's even more significant as I brought Jolie along. My old home is still there,the structure is still the same, just renovated till it looked very different. Even the street looked the same, yet different. Everything seemed smaller and more narrow. I guess when your're a child, everything looked bigger.

But what I really love and missed was how peaceful and quiet it was. The sun was setting, the birds were chirping. The only thing was, "where are all the children?" Last time, we would go out and play every evening. Now, not a soul on the streets, only a maid, bringing the dogs for a walk.

It was a great evening, walking and driving around the area. Hopefully one day we'll get to stay in a place like this again. :)

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