Monday, June 21, 2010

MRT Ride

OK, I've reached the stage where I just can't really control the little monkey anymore. She wanted to stand by herself in the MRT ride. So it's either force her to sit down on the seat and make her scream and cry and possibly vomit on the train, or I just let her go and have her fun.

Decided to just let her go and watch out for her by sitting really close to the edge of my seat. So if she falls, I'll be there to catch her. Turns out that she's pretty good as balancing herself in the moving train. I guess I've underestimated her again. She would bend her knees a little and make funny sounds like "Woooaahh..." while she balance herself.

Most of the time she would cling on to the railing, so it's quite safe that way. But once she's comfortable she would try her luck and step carefully further away from me.

Of course, I would pull her back to be within my reach, but one time she moved so fast that a young man jumped up from his seat to quickly hold her, fearing that she would fall. I thought that was so sweet of him. Jolie of course, was the star, making almost everyone in the train look and smile at her.

Sigh, as she grows bigger, my reign of control gets weaker. But I'm proud of how physically well coordinated she is getting day by day. My little healthy monkey!

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