Friday, December 15, 2006

Sister Down!

Received a message from hubby this afternoon telling me that he got news that my sis is in hospital and asked how is she. A wave of blind panic swept over me. Sis in hospital? What? Why? Why am I not informed? After much confusion, panic, worry and stress. I managed to visit her at the hospital.

She looks tired and she's got a drip poked into her hand. (shiver down my spine) Only when I saw her and talk to her did the tight knot in my stomach relaxed abit. I think she would be ok, I hope. Doctors are still doing tests. Initial suspicion was Meningitis, but we don't know yet. I kept rubbing my health - Feng Shuei monkey in office before I went to the hospital, hoping that my feeble attempt would help her recover soon. I hope they work! Hubs coming home tomorrow, so we'll go visit her together.

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