Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Big Day ~ Part 2 (Fetching the Bride)

I watched from my window alone as the cars pulled up downstairs and silently waved at no one in particular. My prince is here in his BMW horse to rescue me from the tower! The girls have all left the room to prepare for the tasks for the guys, so there’s nothing for me to do except to sit down and rearrange my dress again. 5 minutes went by and still no noise outside. What’s keeping them?

Suddenly there was a lot of shouting and talking outside. They’re here! I giggled in excitement; I can’t believe this is really happening! Apparently they were waiting for the exact timing before coming up. -_-'''

Actually for the next 40 minutes or so during the gate crashing, I have no idea what happened outside my door. I can’t get up, or it’ll mess up my dress. I can’t switch on the bloody TV as it would require me to get up. There’s nothing for me to do! So while they were laughing and screaming outside, I had to entertain myself by taking self portraits with my camera phone, sms him words of encouragement and even started playing games on my phone.


Mom and Dad gave up trying to interfere with the ‘negotiation’ between and gals and guys and started showing photos of our recent Hong Kong / Taiwan trip to god-ma. Boh Chup... After a while the bridesmaids came into my room every once in awhile to show me the completed “tasks”. That kept me entertained for awhile, thanks girls!

So what did happened during the gate crashing session?

Beneath the sweet exterior.... Lies the evil plans....

Evil enough to make them beg for mercy... or maybe just the bloody keys... Kekeke...

Task 1:
Chun Howe has to make the words “I LOVE YOU” using the buns given.

Satisfied! Ang Pao please! US$4.00 = S$6.0872 (cheapo!) Reward! With 85% Cocoa dark chocolate to show that he can endure the bitterness in life.

Task 2:
Chun Howe has to draw a portrait of us.

So cute! Love the arrow! Ang Pao please – Swiss Franc 20.00 = S$25.2495 (duh...) Reward! With super sour lemon candy to show that he can endure the sourness in life..

Task 3:
Chun Howe and the guys have to put on skirts handmade by Dad to perform a can-can dance!

Takes a real friend to through this with you.... Whoo Hoo! Ang Pao please – (after being scolded by sis) – S$200.00! Yeah! That's more like it...

Final Task 4:
Chun Howe has to list down 10 things that he likes about Colene!

Ok lah final Ang Pao Please! – S$20.00

Well Done! You May Enter!

There was a lot of screaming when the guys got into the house. I heard the girls shout “close the doors!” and I hear them asking Chun Howe to guess which room I was in. He wanted to choose my bedroom door, but suddenly chose to open my parent’s room door instead. When he opened the door he was so surprised to see me inside that he gave a shout, “Eh?” and stood outside for a moment. Maybe he’s worried that there would be a booby trap behind the door or something.

Eh?! (lucky guess lah... or maybe its CoCo's powerful brain power at work?)

“Come in, come in!” I laughed. The photographer and camera man ask the girls who wanted to take picture to come in first. Finally, with a lot of cameras flashing and clicking, my prince charming came into the room, kneels down and presented me with a bouquet of flowers. Then he unveiled me, gave me a sweet kiss and we welcomed each other with a loving hug! We then walked out of the bedroom hand in hand and everybody started applauding. Yeeeaaah!

We sat down where my dad liked to refer to as the photography area and we fed each other the sweet soup as the cameras snap away. Cliché I know. But hey, the sweet soup’s good. Yum…

The tea ceremony was fun, especially when it comes to receiving ang pows and gifts. Haha… It’s even funnier when Chun Howe had to serve tea to Clarence and my brother. Like most modern Singaporean, we usually address them by name. So everybody was sniggering when Chun Howe had to address Clarence as 姐夫 (brother-in-law) and my brother as 哥哥 (Big brother) and serve them tea.

So after another round of photo taking, we set off to the groom’s place. Dad had to walk me to the car with a red umbrella while mom throws rice above our heads. Dad was in such a hurry, he forgot to wear his shoes! So he actually walked barefooted all the way to the waiting car downstairs. Mom threw so much rice! Chun Howe told me later that night that some actually got into his underwear. Whahaha…. So funny…

Ooo the car is sooooo nice……. Chun Howe rented a black 7 series BMW for around S$875 but it was worth every dollar! The chauffer is a friendly and cool young man that opens the door for me. The leather seats are soft and comfortable and the ride is powerful yet smooth! Thank goodness we got such a gigantic car. Even with all the fluff from my big dress, I managed to settle down comfortably (not easy to get in with my dress though) oh yah, the air-con vent at the back seats was definitely a god-sent. Phew…

Off to Chun Howe’s home we go!

(to be continued…)

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