Wednesday, May 14, 2008


There are several reaons why I do not like to read newspapers. For one, there is hardly any good news. Pages and pages of pain, suffering, anger and disasters. Aren’t there any good news? That's why I only read the comics section and stop there.

I read the newspaper today and I was so pissed at one of the articles. It’s about a monster that was charged with molestation in Singapore.

KUAH KUAN BOON – Remember this name ok?

I was SO angry after reading the article. Why? Apart from the obvious fact that the asshole molested an innocent 9 year old girl, I was also super pissed at the fact that he actually had a history of molesting young girls OK???!!!

So this guy molested 20 innocent YOUNG SCHOOLGIRLS in 2003, went to jail for it for six years, came out, and still was allowed to work as a volunteer in the CHILDREN'S SECTION in a church!!!!!

What the hell is going on??

People like him should not even be allowed to be near young children, let alone work closely with them!? And what happens? One of the girls, only nine years old was unfortunately molested by this monster after her bible study class.

I think the problem lies with the employers. Don’t they need to check the background of people they hire? Why? Well, hmm let’s see… maybe it’s for a simple reason that maybe the person may be someone that was just released from prison for molesting children!

Just because he’s volunteering doesn’t mean that you don’t need to check his background! Well, it is a church, so my guess would be that the person who agreed to let the monster volunteer there must be some trusting guy who believes in second chances, blah blah blah… Point is, you can never be too careful when it comes to children, more so when it’s someone else children.

Because of some trusting dumb-ass’s carelessness, an innocent child has fallen victim to this unforgiving asshole who should be castrated and thrown into jail forever.

This brings me to another point that makes me so pissed. This shithead would only be jailed for 2 years with 8 strokes of the cane. ONLY 2 YEARS? After a mere 24 months he would once again be free, roaming the streets of Singapore, wriggling his way through trusting idiots to let them be once again near his victims-to-be.

What does it take for the justice system to increase the severity of the sentence for molestation cases? Wait till he has finally upgraded from molest to raping and killing young children? If that’s the case, whose child does society have to sacrifice? I know it sounds bleak, but this is a FACT.

So before that happens, I implore anyone and everyone to BE AWARE when hiring help for children. Check their background, it may be tedious, but at least you can be more assured that the friendly looking man you just hired to take care of your children does not turn out to be some MONSTER.

I found out that in the USA, they have this Megan’s Law that makes information available to the public regarding registered sex offenders. That means, you can know if a sex offender lives in your neighborhood.

Good right?

The origin of the law is quite sad, but at least it results in the passing of a very good law. Megan did not die in vain, but she is still dead. Which proves my point - does someone's child have to die a horrible death before the system is improved?

I’m quite disappointed that Singapore does not have a law like this. I wonder what does it takes to get a law like this to be passed. Parents should have the right to know if a monster live near their child, don’t they?

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