Monday, September 6, 2010

rocking chair

Jolie recently saw her old rocking chair that she refused to sit when she was an infant. She kept pointing at the chair and insisted on sitting it, so I removed the plastic cover and gave it to her. Interestingly, she just started sitting and rocking on it, and now it's like her favourite chair!

It looks squeezy, but it actually fits her just nice. It's more like a lying down rocking chair, but it's perfect for when she takes her milk or when she's watching TV.

She would even make it more cosy by making us cover her up with a blanket! The girl really knows how to enjoy life!

I realised that I didn't post photos of her when she 1st sat on the chair. When I found the photos, I was surprised at how different Jolie was back then.

Looking at the video brought back alot of memories. Life was a little easier then. I was under confinement, so all I had to do was eat nourishing delicious meals made by mom and have lots of rest, including sleeping through the night. The most vigorous "work" I had to do was to feed the baby. Sigh, it's great to be pregnant, but it's also great to be pampered during confinement. But I'm sure if there's a 2nd time, it wouldn't be so cushy with Jolie around. Haha...

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