Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sandy Playground

Nowadays almost all the playgrounds uses rubber for their flooring, but one day, while cycling around a different part of the town, I found a park with a playground with sand!

What a treat for Jolie! The only time she gets to play with sand is when we go to the beach, which is quite rare really. So she was quite excited when she got there. After a while, she took off her sandals, and giggled in delight as she wriggled her toes in the soft sand. I almost forgot how wonderful the sensation was until she "instructed" me to take off my slippers too. It was so cooling and soft!

When we were kids, all the playgrounds were covered in sand, and thinking back, they were rough, dirty and unsanitary. Kids back then would even use parts of the playground as a make shift toilet, like the inside of the tunnels. But playgrounds nowadays are much cleaner, with soft, clean sand, with the occasional branch or leaves.

So now we have a new place to go on afternoons when the weather is fine. I'm glad that Jolie still have the opportunity to enjoy herself in a sandbox, I think in future these would become a thing of the past. The only problem now would be to get her to leave the playground when time is up, and get rid of ALL the sand that is on her hair, face and even inside her diaper!

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