Thursday, April 28, 2011

Visiting Sister-In-Law

About a week ago, sister-in-law had been admitted to hospital after being diagnosed with Cellulitis, which simply put, is bacteria infection underneath the skin. Apparently she had been having fever for days, but had refused to go see a doctor. She kept eating Panadol, which made the fever subside temporarily, but as soon as the medicine wears out, the fever comes back, once even hitting a high of 39 DEGREES, but still, she refused to go see a doctor.

Finally, after almost a week of fever, her left thigh swelled up painfully, and she had to walk with a limp. So, she decided to go see the doctor, only after spending a WHOLE DAY at work. O_o When the GP doctor saw her, he immediately made her go to the A&E at the nearest hospital possible as they did not have the facilities to do blood test. At the A&E, the doctors immediately admitted her as she was having such high fever, they had to quickly do something before it kills her.

The doctor said that the bacteria could have entered her body through her thigh, which explains the swelling. All you need is just a little scratch, she doesn't even know how it happened! The next few days had been a non stop antibiotics for her, and she had to stay there for almost 2 weeks as the bacteria had entered into her bloodstream. The doctor said that if she had delayed any longer, they may even had to cut away the affected leg muscles! Horror!!!

Thankfully, she's on the road of recovery now, and I wanted to bring something to brighten up her day, so I brought Jolie to the hospital to visit her. Both Moms don't want Jolie up in the wards, so we hung around the lobby and waited her them to come down to see us.

MIL haven't seen Jolie for almost 2 weeks too, so she really lit up when she saw her precious grandchild. Naturally, the spoiling begins, so she bought her a balloon just because she wants it.

Jolie was a little shy and withdrawn at first, but after awhile, she's back to her noisy self again, and I can tell that her presence was worth a hundred bunch of flowers to my Sis-in-law. But she was still weak, so she could just watch as Jolie runs around the lobby.

After we said our goodbyes, I brought Jolie to the nearby Bugis Junction and hung out until Cobby joins us there after work. We had yummy dinner at MOF and for the first time, we ordered Jolie her very own kids meal which comes in a cute bear container. I think she liked the food container more than the food itself. -_-

The morale of the story? If you are having fever that last for 3 days or more, go see the bloody doctor lah...

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