Thursday, May 5, 2011

Interesting people at my new hangout

Now that Jolie spends 2 hours a day at playgroup, I have developed a dislike of hanging out at home. Instead, I would drop her off at school and cycle to the nearby McDonald's. Free Wi-Fi, free air-con, food and drinks are not free, but available within a few steps away. What's not to love about the place? In fact, right now, I'm sitting at Mac, typing away.

There's this girl just now who was sharing my seat. She bought a Breakfast deluxe, which as you know, consist of a full Big Breakfast, plus 2 slices of pancakes. She requested a clean piece of the wax paper, the type they wrap burgers with, and carefully assembled herself a burger.

She uses the English muffins for buns, placed the sausage patty on one bun, placed the scrambled eggs on the other bun, trim the egg till it's round and fits the bun nicely, seasoned it with pepper and chilli sauce, and carefully out two buns together. Then she folded the paper around her burger and tug it neatly away on her food tray. Satisfied, she proceeded with eating her pancakes and the remaining egg trimmings.


I wonder what or who the burger is for? Maybe she planned to bring it home for someone to eat? Or maybe she wanted to save it for lunch? I don't know.

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