Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I'm getting Some to help me do my manicure for my photoshoot on the 22 April.

Just did part one of my manicure just now over lunch. Some had to split up the session into several days cause I don't have time and I can't take leave due to vege leaving.. Sigh... (I'll write about that another day)

So today Some help me clean my fingernails and remove the cuticles. I had reception duty today at 12.30pm. I wanted to switch with Mao, our receptionist, but she had a medical appointment, so I just had to do it over lunch.

I think this is the first time that I ever had a manicure done over instant noodles and Old Chang Kee. (disclaimer: I only had ONE sotong ball and ONE prawn fritter)

Ended up abit late but not so bad lah.. Man.. my nails look so nice and clean now :)

Next appointment at Some's place next week. heehee... looking forward to it!!

Oh by the way I got fabulous news!

Hubby said that he does not have to attend the course anymore so we can go to honey moon straight after the wedding!!! I was estatic! When he told me earlier that our honey moon may have to postphone to September due to the course he had to attend, I was close to tears..


Oh my god I'm so happy.

Of course I was concerned when I heard the news. I was worried if this is bad news for his career. You see this course is like a preparation for the Command and Staff College, which is like, super for his career and this year is the last year for him to make it to the college. So far he's on the reserve list. (in case someone drop out)

Well he said that it should not affect his course to attend the college, so, fingers crossed! I think in the end, his career should be the most important thing to us.



I don't believe it, it's my DREAM to go to Paris. Ok ok... calm down.. anyway, I remember to take down some photos of my nails when SOme's done with it. Meanwhile, Ciao!


LilMrsT said...

And you are going to Paris for honeymoon!!!! Coming back from there, surely you will bring another person back!!! Hahahaa ...

Miss CoCo said...

Whahaha... wah dun scare me leh.. I'll try to be ahem.. "careful" heehee...

Sam said...

Paris sounds awesome really!!! =P So... will there be a French-conceived baby? =D