Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I always see an old grandpa bring his grandchild to the playground in the baby walker and I thought, "hey, that's a great idea!" So now that Jolie can move more freely in her walker, I experimented by bringing her walker downstairs one day.

At first I wanted to just let her walk around the void deck. But she kept wanting to walk outside, she I carried her to the nearby badminton court. Initially she looked a little lost by the sudden amount of space for her to run around, but after awhile she became more relaxed and moved around more. I guess it was quite a fun experience for her, but her shoes did get quite dirty. Luckily I let her wear her old shoes instead of the new one. Hoho...

This week I had to survive with my Mama, who's in Hong Kong. ;( But so far I'm quite proud because I managed to cook a few good dinners! On Monday I cooked braised chicken wings and long beans omelet, my very first attempt, and it tasted delicious! Too bad I forgot to take a picture. Today's dinner is, sardines, stir fry prawns with broccoli and winter melon soup. Very happy with the meal!

I think as baby grows bigger, I get to do a little more things around the house. It's still difficult as Jolie would sometimes demand my attention while I'm cooking, but it gets better week by week. :)

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