Saturday, April 24, 2010

A trip to JB, sort of

As I have mentioned, Jolie just got her very 1st passport, so I was terribly itching to go travelling! So on Saturday, we decided to drive to Johor Bahru's Jusco. Well, we should have went earlier, like in the morning, but it would be better to go after she wakes up from her noon time nap.

By the time Jolie woke up, it was already close to 3pm, so after feeding her milk and getting the directions and stuff, it was already 4pm. We even had to top up fuel and change currencies before heading to the causeway! It was already 4 plus then, but we've packed everything, prepared everything, it would felt so silly to postphone the trip! So we went ahead anyway, I mean, the directions seemed pretty straight forward, we'll just drive to Jusco, buy some groceries, eat dinner and come back. Easy.

Erm, not so easy apparently. First of all, we don't have any white card. Zinc told me to get the cards from some booth at the customs area, but where? So we ended up asking the Malaysian customs officer for the cards and filling them up at full speed while he waited. Oops... I pity the car behind us. Hahaha... Sorry!

When we went through the customs, we were so happy! Yeah! Tang family's 1st visit overseas together! But our happiness was short lived as we realised that the directions we got from the web forum was based on the old customs. The new customs was much further in and was so complicated!

So we drove around and thought we missed a turn, so we did a u-turn, went on what we thought was the right lane, happily drove on, and ended up driving along the sea. WHAT?? How did we end up here? We were supposed to on a highway! We attempted to do a u-turn again, but this time we ended on the lane that lead us into the customs and before we know it, we were on our way back to Singapore again! *SLAP FOREHEAD*

So we were in the car for close to 3 hours, drove to Malaysia and back without even stepping foot onto Malaysian soil. Great.

GRRRRR... don't care, will try again soon!

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