Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Jolie's toys were getting out of hand. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE! I'm so sick of having her toys take over the whole house, so I decided to use IKEA's TROFAST storage systems. We have the exact same cabinet in our service balcony, holding all our household cleaning chemicals, laundry clips, floor mats, etc. I like how it looks in the catalog, under the children's room, so I thought it would be perfect for Jolie's room.

Cobby hard at work setting it up while I keep Jolie away from him.

When it's finished, Jolie thought it was a great hiding place.

Looking good! That's the new sofa bed from IKEA too. Another fantastic buy - saves alot of space!

Now the house is more clutter free! HAPPY~!

I Love IKEA~!

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