Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Went for our workout last night and it was fun! The instructor incorporated the stepping board into the ABT routine so it's more challenging. We had to keep up with the routine while bearing with the burn on our muscles. Cool!

Ate Bak Chor Mee (Soup) for dinner with Cobby, hey it's pretty good! I'm pleasantly surprised at the quality of the food at the food court near my home.

I feel that I'm not eating enough vegetables and my daily diet has been very heavy on the meat, so I'm trying to cut down on my meat intake by going vegetarian for a week.

Very difficult...! I love meat!!!

So... I've decided to tweak the plan abit and make it one no-meat-meal a day. So yesterday's lunch has no meat, dinner a little meat. Today's lunch I ate meat, so tonight no meat for me. Hope it works. Haha... I'll keep you updated if the plan works.

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