Actually, mom's right knee replacement surgery was scheduled to be in March, but one fine day the hospital called and told us that there's a slot available in 2 weeks and we thought, why not? So on the 30 Jan 2008, the whole family went to the the hospital around 8am and mom preps for the surgery.
Man.. if government hospitals are listed, I would buy some of their shares cause business definitely looked good! The pre-op room where everybody waits to go into surgery was packed with patients! Can you imagine the amount of money the hospital earns! ($_$)
Oops.. ahem.. anyway back to the story.
Mom was nervous naturally, and it showed in her blood pressure. Despite our efforts in chatting and joking and trying to calm her down, her blood pressure was still very high. We were thinking, they should play some soothing music to calm the patients like what they do in the spa. Like - music, birds chirping, water running, etc... I mean, all the patients looked super nervous loh!
We were concerned if they would cancel the surgery or not, but the nurse reassured us that they will give her a good doze of medication to push her blood pressure down before the surgery. So we said "see you later!" as they pushed her into the operating theatre around 9am. I think we were the most noisy bunch~ Haha... With mom in surgery, we went to Geylang for a good dim sum breakfast!
Hmm think they have something against cups??
It was kindda weird cuz its a weekday morning, so we were the only people in the store eating. After breakfast brother and Karen when off, so sis, dad and I headed back to the hospital. Sis was supposed to go back to work, but I managed to convince her to go to the hairdresser with me! Hee Hee Hee... I am bad influence~
So we when shopping, and for the first time, we went to fixed our hair together.
It was fun, we talked and read magazine, dozed off (very long leh...). Dad went to stroll around the shopping centre until he was super bored and he came back to the salon and read magazine.
At around 3pm plus the hospital called to inform us that mom's out of the surgery and is now resting in the recovery room. The surgery was smooth sailing all the way, so we were all relieved! So after we did our hair, we finally went for lunch at 4pm! Hungry... Oh did I mentioned how fabulous our hair looked? It does~ Hohohoho.....!
So the two fabulous babes (and dad) went for a super late lunch and gobbled down our food at Hans restaurant when we were informed of mom's ward and bed number.
Sis wanted to do her nails too, but we thought we should go back and see mom first. So we bought her some nice flowers and went back to the hospital.
Naturally, she feels like crap. Vomiting, dizzy, disoriented. All the after-effects of anaesthesia wearing out.
So we stayed awhile and looked after mom, after she dozed off again, we went back to the shopping centre to hunt for a manicure shop. Unfortunately, ALL the shops were unavailable as we didn't make any reservations. Besides, it’s already after working hours so the shops were all FULL! Just when we were giving up, we found a shop that can do ONE of us. So sis did it while I went back to the hospital.
Bro had already arrived when I went back. Mom was constantly slipping in and out, falling asleep at the slightest pause. It's kindda funny really. Best thing is, she still wanted to watch her favourite 7pm TV program, 手足II. So we helped her to put on the headphone, feeling very sure she would fall asleep again very soon. So we quietly counted 1...2...3...4...5... OUT! And true enough, she fell asleep again.
Wahahahaha......... Sigh, so we removed the headphones again and left her to sleep. Feeling glad that everything went well. Within a week mom was discharged and went home in time for the Chinese New Year. This right knee surgery was much better than the left knee.
Today, she is recovering very well and is due for her 1st check up very soon. Alot of people asked why do we wanted her to do the surgery just before the Chinese New Year. Well, we thought it over, and mom decided that it would be great to "get it over and done with" now rather than waiting and dreading about it for another antagonizing 2 months. So today she's glad she did it earlier. Now she can look forward to go to Hong Kong in March and to be able to walk without pain. How great is that!!??
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