Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wearing MaMa's Heels

What is it about children and their desire to wear adult's shoes? Jolie just love to wear my, or sometimes, her Dad's shoes. Stomping around the house with her huge shoes. That day at my Mom's place, she wore my heels. But I guess they were a little high, so she used the shoe horn as support. Her mouth looks funny as she has food in her mouth. Another one of those irritating things that she likes to do nowadays. -_-

I vaguely remember myself as a child, always wearing my Mom's shoes too. I can't remember why, but I guess it's the desire to be like the adult in our life. Wearing their shoes, clothes, even my Mom's huge 80's sunglasses. Somehow it feels very glamorous, maybe we can't wait to grow up and have such 'cool' stuff of our own!

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