So this entry is just confirm that yes... I'm still very much alive and well, I've just been busy! Busy doing absolutely nothing! Haha... I know some people who are dying to hurt me now. Hahaha... The thing is, so much time has passed that I really don't know where do I start to update without boring the wits out of everybody reading this! So I'll just have to give the main highlights of what I've been up to for the pass month.
25 July - My last day at work!
Yup, I've packed my bags and said my last goodbyes to my job for the last 2+ years. Made alot of great friends there. Will miss-ya always! KISS!
29 July - Cleaning Up!
All those things and chores that I always put aside for "when I'm free" - DONE! I was on a cleaning rampage for a week or so, clearing stuff that I never had the time or energy to do. I cleaned up my store room and my spare room (which had became my "dumping ground" ever since we moved in). I even managed to place places to put all my desk top stuff on my study room table! Nice and pink now... :)
31 July - Visit to HortPark!
We started walking from Mount Faber and we kept walking all the way to Hort Park! Its a little boring place but it's nice to be out. We wanted to walk to the Henderson wave bridge but the sun was SO FIERCE that day that we just couldn't proceed anymore. Next time I guess...
8 Aug - Visit the folks
Went back to civilization - erm, I meant went back to office to pick up my cheque as well as visit the friends at work. Grabbed a quick lunch before heading back to my cave again. Ah... it's good to be home! Oh sis came back to Singapore for the National Day weekend!
9 Aug - Happy Birthday Singapore!
I went to the National Day Parade!!! Sis got tickets at the last minute so mum couldn't make it. So sis, dad and I went! It was so cool! It was raining but the air show and fireworks was fantastic. Pics are with sis, so will try to get them soon.
11 Aug - BYe Bye & Celebrations
Parents left for Hong Kong with sis. Not so sad this time, maybe we've been through too many farewells liao. Later in the evening we went to Lawry's for dinner to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary! Its a nice place and I had a really nice evening with my dear Cobby. Sigh so fast one year already!
That's about most of the major events that has happened for the past few weeks really. Eh actually not much hor... Haha... Actually most of the time I spend in front of my TV (mostly Olympics) and my bed.
Anyways, I'm drafting more updates! Exciting events happening everyday in the wonderous life of Miss CoCo! SO stay tuned for more folks!
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