Monday, January 5, 2009

More Gifts from Auntie Jolene

Sis: I bought you some baby's hair and body wash, body cream, diaper rash cream and stuff for your baby, so you don't need to buy ok?

Me: Oh thanks! But I've already bought baby's shower gel, but I guess it's ok, these stuff can be kept in the store room for later use.

Sis: Mine stuff is branded one ok? "Pediatrician Tested"! So use mine first, keep yours in the store room.

Me: OK loh... Thanks again!

So I've been wondering what kind of mysterious potions has she bought for baby, so precious! Last Sunday I met up with Bro, who just came back from Hong Kong, and he passed me Sis's gift.

When someone say that they bought you things like body wash and diaper rash cream, I would have expected the bottles to come in a plastic bag from some departmental store or something... So imagine my surprise when Bro passed me this beautiful red box with a pretty ribbon on it!


Wah got potpourri somemore...

If you're interested, the brand is Kiehl's

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