Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Another Day

Another end of the day. Baby was super clingy and cranky today. She wouldn't let me put her down! Feeding was quite disastrous too. In the morning, her flinging hands swiped the bowl of rice cereal of my hands and onto the floor. So about half a bowl of sticky banana and rice cereal ended on the floor. AT lunch, she was so cranky and kept on crying that she refuses to eat her cereal! I have no choice but to feed her some breast milk and put her to nap.

Thankfully she napped quite well today, at least I get to do some house work and prepare the ingredients for dinner. Don't know why she's so tired today, she's asleep by 7.30pm, which is slightly earlier than usual. I'm not complaining! I was thankful to have a peaceful dinner with Cobby, a fantastic shower to scrub off all the sticky sweat from the stupid humid weather, and finally to retreat to the dry and cool comfort of the air-conditioned study room. Sigh~ I survived another day.

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