Well, it's her first class, so I wanted her to look her best! So I dug up an outfit a friend bought from Australia. She gave me a hairband too, but we didn't really let her wear it before. So I let her wear it for pictures! SO CUTE!!! She look so girlie!
The baby jumper gym was quite fun really. We hung around at the gym area before class starts. Jolie was thrilled to hang around babies around her age, she was smiling like mad! We can't take pictures during class, so I just took one before class starts.
There were 4 or 5 other babies in the class, all one or 2 month older than Jolie, except for one girl, who is the same month as her. But she looked so little! I thought she was younger than Jolie. :) The class was very educational, well, it was a little 'cheem' for me really. But she seems to enjoy it! There were flash cards, singing, dancing and listening to music. The second part was the gym part where they play on the mat and swing on monkey bar. Before we know it, more than an hour had passed and class was over!
That was a trial class, but we enjoyed it so much that we decided to just sign up for the 10 classes course after the class. The new class starts in October, so we'll just have to wait for a month till Jolie make new friends again!
On the way home I was playing with Jolie in the car, she was in her 'chewing' mood. So I took a funny video of her 'attacking' me.
(No Mummy was harmed in the making of this video)
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