Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jolie to the rescue

Jolie's 4 year old cousin, Charlotte, was petrified of having water poured over her head during her bath. She's so scared that her grandma had to carry her while she bathe. During CNY, Charlotte observed Jolie laughing and enjoying herself when her Ah-Ma poured water over her. Even Charlotte's Mom teased her for being such a baby as compared to Jolie.

That night when they went home, having her ego bruised, Charlotte was determined not to be out-done by Jolie. So she decided to stop screaming and crying during her bath and even let water being poured over her head. In fact, she was SO PROUD of herself that she was boasting to everyone the next day. "Yesterday I had water poured over my head during bath time and I didn't cry!"

Naturally, her Mom was very happy. She joked that if she only knew that letting Charlotte watch Jolie bathe would solve the problem, she should have done that a long time ago! Sigh~ Jolie saved the day again! :)

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