Wednesday, June 22, 2011

SingKids Indoor Playground @ T3

Next on our list of Cobby's June holidays activities was this indoor playground at Changi Airport Terminal 3. When Jolie saw the place, we had to hold her back! So exciting! It was a weekday, but there was a big group of children from some childcare nearby(I think), so it was quite crowded. But I think the excitement from all the other children was very infectious, so Jolie was very hyper.

There was a ball-pool...

An enclosure with giant balloons floating around...

A lighted "water-bed" thingy...

Her favourite, the roller cars. She's so good at it, she could easily drive thru all the other bigger kids! She's gonna be a very good driver I tell you.

Something different from the other indoor playground, some of their equipment would move. This one would rotate! So the bigger kids would hold on tight while it rolls.

This one would sway very slowly side by side.

Then there's the bouncing castle. I'm afraid that the bigger kids would step on her, so I hopped in with her. It was fun, but my legs got all wobbly when I got out!

There's also a toddler's section for smaller kids. There's a mini slide which Jolie insist on going down by her belly. -_- It's ok for me, but then other kids started copying her! Oops... Haha... bad influence!

I like this motorised see-saw. It just keeps on going up and down by itself, so you don't need a partner to play.

Besides, you can hug the bear as it goes up and down!

Jolie insist that I join her, but I was a little worried if the machine can take my weight or not, so I had to keep some of my weight off. :P

There's also a balloon room, but the balloons were smaller for smaller kids. I love it anyway, surrounded by colourful balloons!

As a parent, I think Polliwogs was safer, with locks at the gates and temperature checks and stuff. Besides, they have a place inside for parents to lounge with food and drinks. But my inner-child really liked the balloon rooms and the roller cars (wish I could try) and the motorised play-equipment! So if you are at T3 with your kids, go check it out!

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