Monday, October 29, 2007

Drving Lessons - Revived

I finally signed up for my drving test on the 25 Oct. I've actually passed both theory test, but my final theory has expired awhile back, so I have to take it again. The lady at the driving centre said that if I join their classes, I can take the test sooner. So on Saturday, I went for my 1st basic theory lessons, hoping to refresh my memory of the things I've learned more then 2 years ago.

I'm ready to learn~!





Oh crap.... kanna conned...!

They hardly teach you anything in the class! All they do is drone on and on on the safety rules, drive carefully, what are the main causes of accidents, if you drink, you shouldn't drive, driver's attitude very important, don't beat the red lights, blah blah blah... Zzzzz...... After awhile my mind started wandering... and my pen started doodling...

SATURDAY: things to take note of for driving lessons.... blah blah blah..... hmm what logo should I use for my online biz..?

SUNDAY: (drifting further...) Hmm I should consider some issues if I want to start my own biz...

SUNDAY: (drifting super far...) the 1st logo is cute, but how about a princess look? hmm.. if I want to paint my wall, what designs would look nice...

The instructors are ok, but I think the traffic police made them stand in front of the class and try to brianwash the drivers-to-be... Not that it's a bad thing, it just Soooo booooring.... Sunday's part 2 of the basic theory's the same too. Now I'm just hoping that tonight's final theory 1.01 would be different. Sigh...

l think I should start reading up on my final theory book and get ready for the test. My aim is to pass on 1st try so that I can start my practical lessons. I admit I'm a little nervous on the practical lessons, but I'm looking forward to it at the same time. I should start my practical driving lessons in November. Hope everything goes smoothly....

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