Friday, February 13, 2009

Thank You All

As wonderful the experience was of having my little bundle of joy, it was also quite rough during my few days stay at the hospital. Unlike other mothers who had natural birth, I can't even carry my baby out of her cot without help from others when the nurses parked her next to my bed. The pain from my wound was nothing as compared to the pain of not being able to simple things such as carrying her around to sooth her when she cries.

Apart from that, I had chosen to go on total breastfeeding, which itself poses a few challenges due to my C-section, and of course, the frustration when sometimes, the baby doesn't latch on properly. And it doesn't help to have a concerned mother-in-law breathing down your neck when you are breastfeeding, worried that the baby doesn't feed well and you are starving her precious granddaughter.

In fact, several times she has subtlety suggested that I go on partial formula feed, or pump out my milk so that others can feed her better using the bottle. But I had insisted that I continue to breastfeed her on my own. It may be hard, but both baby and I are learning together, and we shouldn't give up so easily! 加油!

There may be many lows, but there were definitely ups too! Through this experience I realised that there are actually many people out there who care for me! Shortly after sending out the sms informing my friends of Jolie's birth, I had received a tidal wave of sms, congratulating Cobby and I. For the next few days, my room became to slowly fill up with hampers, gifts and beautiful flowers.

Fish essence, chicken essence and bird's nest. From all the gift hampers I've received.

One of the many lovely bouquets I've received.

I think they are wonderful, as they definitely made the room light up with colours and made me feel better just by looking at them. Of course, how can I not mention those who came to visit me! Thank you Zinc, Char, Ah Ying, Brown and Sotong for visiting and the lovely gifts! They came after work and didn't even had dinner yet, so I was quite paiseh when baby started crying and they had to wait while I breastfeed her.

The next day, UJ dropped by. Thank you for the lovely gift too! Baby is currently using the Huggies diapers you gave us. Perfect fit! Also, thank you Citrix for visiting and helping me take such a nice video of baby! It was really nice meeting up with you again.

Hmm, who else... Chew Bee, Gillin, Cedric and Connie, and also Cobby's friends and colleagues, thank you for the lovely hampers and flowers. Not forgetting family members who came to visit and help me take care of baby in areas that I can't. Very touched and thankful to all! On my Facebook, a couple of friends wrote congratulatory words on my wall. Thank you~

On Wednesday, I got a lovely surprise in the mail. It was addressed to "Mr & Mrs & Baby Tang"...

Whao~! Apparently it was a card from all my friends from my previous work place!

好感动!!! I felt so happy and touched by all the kind words! It was such a lovely gesture, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I know this sounds like a very boring post with me keep repeating the words "Thank you, thank you" like a broken record. Probably it doesn't mean much to all the people I mentioned, but it meant alot to me. OK lah, say one last time...


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